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Strengthening bike use, public transport and energy-efficient mobility. Conference in DE

20 Nov 2014 - The conference entitled "Innovative approaches for strengthening bike use, public transport and energy-efficient mobility", organized by TUDO, was held Thursday, November 20th in Dortmund, Germany.

The event addressed several issues related to the planning and management of urban transport. In particular, the topics of discussion were the following:

  • Boosting bike use in medium-sized cities;
  • Organizing effective public transport in medium-sized cities;
  • Strategies of local authorities for energy efficient urban mobility.

It is possible to download the speakers' presentations at the following links:

Citizens’ buses in North Rhine‐Westphalia: Potentials and conditions for small and medium‐sized cities - Volker Aust, Pro Bürgerbus NRW (German only)

Mobility-related measures in local climate protection concepts and their implementation in small and medium-sized cities - Peter Kampmaier (Genrman only)

Bike sharing Systems in small and medium sized cities - Dennis Steinsiek, Netxbike GmbH

Strategies of local authori4es for energy efficient urban mobility - Hanna Hüging, Wuppertal Ins4tute for Climate, Environment and Energy

(Picture by Joel Müller)